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  • Ciarán Ó Rourke's avatar
    Object Listing · 2c31093f
    Ciarán Ó Rourke authored
    Support the list objects functionality of s3. Bucket only GET requests
    get a response with a list of the objects in the bucket
    Change log:
    * add list object functions to the phobos_cpp_wrapper
    * add listing objects to storage functionality
    * add bucket object listing wrapper to stream
    * empty list objects function is disk storage backend to satisfy storage class
    * string_to_map function to aid returning object_list in storage
    * remove Catch2 header file
    * oid_to_key function to parse away bucket from object name
    * s3_utilities: function to create xml response for list objects
    * bucket only GET request calls list objects
    * get_request_handler: respond with object_list for bucket only requests
    * add object listing to unit tests
    * integration test for object listing
    * unit test for empty bucket
    * integration test for empty bucket
    * Use bucket and key in unit tests to reflect actual usage
    * generate random bucket name for testing so number of objects in
        returned list can be measured
    * replace assertTrue with assertEqual in integration tests where appropriate
    * number integration tests to ensure order (alphanumerical) of execution
    * instruct integration tests to stop on first error
    * free object meta data struct
    * fix development flags not being used during debug build
    * use debug build for CI
    * use release build for CentOS7
    * appease development flags
    * disable LeakSanitization for CI (does not work on Gitlab-CI)
    * source relevant env list in CI before_script
    * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH in CI configure step
    * pass bucket name to xml parser to avoid attempting to access an object of an empty list
    * update documentation