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  • Sophie Wenzel-Teuber's avatar
    RPM Support · a148ad3a
    Sophie Wenzel-Teuber authored
    Add dependencies as rpms to Deimos, update CI to use them and let CMake create an rpm of Deimos itself
    * Add folder dependencies and fill with rpms for all dependencies for CentOS 7 and 8
    * Update the CI to install the dependency rpms to a clean CentOS docker image instead of using the superbuild image
    * Update server to use Proxygen Version 2021.10.11.00
    * Add Phobos start scripts to the test folder to setup a database for testing and development
    * Add subtree for Doxygen XML Parser to recreate the Markdown documentation
    * Add CPack to Deimos CMakeLists.txt to create an rpm